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Saturday 6 February 2016

Pit Bull "Statistics"

Human beings torture, maim and kill these dogs in staggering numbers yet too many ignore this fact because it is "only a Pit Bull". For more information on Bubba, please follow this link. (Photo courtesy of Marleys Mutts)

Statistics are a method of collecting data which is used in every aspect of our lives. Without going into the very fine details of the two categories of statistics this is a method used to either demonstrate qualities present in a very select sampling or they can also be used to predict possibilities in a broad range of subjects. The drawback of embracing statistical data is that it lacks the depth of detail required to make an educated decision and percentages can be easily manipulated to mislead.

I am active in another legislative arena which led me to meet with MODOT in 2012 on the matter of their reporting and the statistics being used to make decisions in the matter of roadway safety. Before this meeting I gathered statistics using the reported motorcycle fatalities in the State of Missouri during the October 2011 reporting period by the Missouri Highway Patrol. Bear with me because there is a canine point to be made in this observation.

In October 2011 80% of those killed in motorcycle accidents were between the ages of 45-55 supporting the statistic in which older riders are the largest group involved in fatalities. 60% of these riders were indeed Harley-Davidson riders, also supporting the state's stance that Harley-Davidson riders are the most common group being killed. Of the 100% fatality ratio being studied 40% were attributed to rider error which is almost half of the sample group. These are very sobering statistics when presented in this manner.

Now for the facts presented by the numbers including causation; this single month of percentage, statistical data represented five cases. Of these five cases, one was a 55 year old Honda ATV rider who lost control and overturned, older rider number one and rider error number one. Under the definition of a motorcycle this man should not have been included in the motorcycle statistics but who really looks at those anyway except me? 

The second case of rider error was a 22 year old on an imported sport bike too much for him to handle at his riding experience level. He lost control in bad weather and hit a bridge abutment. The remaining three Harley-Davidson riders were in fact in the 45-55 age group but all three were killed in failure to yield accidents because of drivers 22 years of age and younger.

My whole point in using this research is to demonstrate that when percentages are presented in the matter most popular with those trying to promote an agenda they cannot be relied upon for accuracy. The only way to get a true picture of any cause is by going the extra mile to find out the what, where, how, why and who is lending their numbers to the percentages.

I just received an email containing statistical data that was little more than a copy/paste from an organization who openly admits they draw their data from the media accounts of Pit Bull attacks. 

This group receives far reaching acclaim for their support of the ignorance and misinformation so passionately spread by the animal rights groups whose attitude did not change until the post 2007 years after the Michael Vick horrors were exposed. I invite you to consider the media accounts of Pit Bull attacks and what they represent.

We have a society which appears to thrive on blood lust and nothing makes an ambulance chaser sit up to take notice faster than the latest account of the monster dog from hell running amuck in our streets. Media outlets are big business so I suppose on some level they are not really to blame for what increases their following and sells advertising, except that I do blame them. 

In the matter of the American Pit Bull Terrier a promotion begun by the animal rights groups, fanned by the haters who have had limited (one in some cases) experience with this breed and those easily led down any path called fashionable by the media is having devastating results. There seems to be no end in sight as the stories continue to pour in from around the country or at least that is how it appears when the facts and numbers are not also being presented.

In May of 2013 I concluded a series with the entry Hear the Thunder. This came after six weeks of sharing stories of the local Pit Bulls in our area who are in fact a true representation of this breed. During the time this series ran there were no reports of fatalities or attacks by Pit Bulls in our area. 

I expanded the time period and that observation to include the United States using the numbers supported by the very group who is so dedicated to insuring the misinformation and fear continues. From January 1, 2013 to the conclusion of the 

Evolution/Storm series, May 18 2013, there were 12 deaths attributed to Pit Bulls across this country. Eleven of those deaths were due to direct irresponsibility by owners who knew they had problem dogs and failed to keep others safe. 

The twelfth fatality was a jogger who encountered a pack of abandoned dogs in the desert. Dogs regardless of breed will answer the feral hardwired behavior to survive. Every dog savvy person addressing dog bite prevention will make the point, prey runs. In this case we have no way of knowing what history these dogs had which led them to be dumped in the desert but the bottom line is a human being made that choice and was ultimately responsible for a human death.

If the haters and the promoters of genocide wish to present percentages which dismiss the human factor I also have one to share. 

Using only the numbers of Pit Bulls posted on the PetFinder site as there is no accurate method of presenting the actual number of Pit Bulls residing in the United States, these twelve dogs (I say twelve because in the case of the jogger the investigators admitted they could not draw a reliable conclusion as to which dog killed but she was not packed) were .0006542% of the Pit Bulls in this country. Looks a little different when you are not promoting a message of hate and death does it not?

Beware in the coming months of those who court the blind followers. They are on a mission to insure Missouri does not join the other states who have discarded the ridiculous notion a dog is responsible for its own behavior. 

As I ask you to consider reaching out to your legislators in the hopes of having laws enacted demanding our communities abandon breed prejudice in favor of responsible owner laws governing ALL breeds, these hate mongers are also reaching out in hopes of killing any move toward sanity in our laws.

What these proponents of breed hate are doing is protecting the irresponsible owner and allowing them to continue to be a menace to our communities and our pets. 

Media outlets profiting from the ignorance will never give the positive Pit Bulls, which in fact represent the majority, equal time because an old saying in mass media circles is "If it bleeds, it leads". Sadly this is truth and is witnessed in every story of carnage resulting from the irresponsible behavior of those who could care less if the Pit Bull is wiped from the face of this planet.

Do your research but demand numbers and facts not made up percentages coming from the most prejudiced, money driven outlets. We have a serious people problem in this country and that will not be solved by holding these dogs responsible. 

If the haters of this breed were to succeed in the total genocide of this breed, they would move on to the next dog ruined by the human factor until there are no dogs. The problem will not disappear by the destruction of a dog. The problem will only be solved when those blowing smoke are neutralized and we can once and for all focus on the real problem...the human at the other end of the leash (or lack of)!

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